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The Grand National between 1990 & 2025

Many Clouds National 640.640x480.jpg

The wonderful Many Clouds (left) winner of the 2015 Crabbies Grand National and probably the most popular winner since Red Rum

Welcome to the second of the new- look Grand National Anorak sites which covers the period between from 1990. Three decades of tumultuous changes to the race that most of us love so much. 1990 started with hitherto unthinkable changes to the National course and by the end of this period we were enjoying a race that in reality bears no resemblance to what went before. False starts, bomb scares, AP McCoy, animal welfare, run-off zones, Many Clouds, new-look fences, a dual winner.....and now sodding course invasions. It had it all really.

These pages are a continuation of the Grand National Anorak site which can be found at This site comprises parts of the original Grand National Anorak site which used to be on the Freewebs platform and also the old Grand Nationals of the Nineties and Noughties sites.

As with my all my sites this is an ecclectic, sideways glance at the race that has obsessed me since childhood.

I will continue this for a bit longer (I have added pages to cover up to 2025 which will hopefully be my fiftieth National). This may be my last site - not sure I need to go on.

I will add the biographies for all horses who raced in the National from 2010 onwards - at some time......unlikely to be until 2024 at the earliest - it's hard work)

UPDATE - 2025 - I have started this.

Please feel free to contact me with all your Grand National queries. I am rubbish at replying but will do eventually - all questions to 

Chris (January 2022- updated January 2025)

Update (Dec 24) - I have added a page on the Grand Sefton Chase and intend to expand the Topham/Foxhunter pages to include some stats. I have removed the "Favourite National" page partly because it was too subjective (do you really need to know that Rhyme 'n' Reason's race is my favourite ?) and mostly because I was initially way too enthusiatic over I am Maximus' win this year.

I probably will retire after 2025 which will be my fiftieth National - that would put me in the company of Sir Peter O'Sullevan who bowed out after calling Fifty Nationals in 1997. Exalted company indeed.


Also if I am honest the Grand National that we knew and loved ceased to exist when the latest changes to the race were announced in October 2023. 

The 2024 renewal bore so little resemblance to what went before that it would have been more honest for the Aintree executive to rename the race and announce that they were starting afresh with a new race to reflect the "changing values of society" 

The Top Rated National Winner - According to Timeform

175 - ROUGH QUEST (1996)

168 - MANY CLOUDS (2015)

167 - TIGER ROLL (2019)

167 - I AM MAXIMUS (2024)


162 - DON'T PUSH IT (2010)

161 -  ROYAL ATHLETE (1995)

160 - LORD GYLLENE (1997)

159 - BALLABRIGGS (2011)

159 - MIINNEHOMA (1994)

159 - MON MOME (2009)

157 - CORACH RAMBLER (2023)

157 - HEDGEHUNTER (2005)

157 - ONE FOR ARTHUR (2017)

156 - EARTH SUMMIT (1998)

156 - NOBLE YEATS (2022)

156 - PARTY POLITICS (1992)

156 - RULE THE WORLD (2016)

155 - COMPLY OR DIE (2008)

155 - MINELLA TIMES (2021)

155 - MONTYS PASS (2003)

155 - SEAGRAM (1991)

155 - TIGER ROLL (2018)

154 - PAPILLON (2000)

153 - MR FRISK (1990)


152 - BOBBYJO (1999)

152 - PINEAU DE RE (2014)

150 - AURORAS ENCORE (2013)

147 - SILVER BIRCH (2007)


146 - BINDAREE (2002)

146 - RED MARAUDER (2001)



Aintree racecards

Racing Post

Timeform Chasers & Hurdlers



As with the Grand National Anorak Site I do not own the copywrite to any of the photographs on this site which were all accessed from Google Images to add some much needed colour to the site. Please contact me if you would like me to remove any images.

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